How does Infrastructure as a Service work?


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) works by providing virtualized computing resources over the internet. These resources can include virtual machines, storage, and networking.

When a business wants to use IaaS, they sign up for an account with an IaaS provider, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. They can then access the provider’s web-based console or API to provision and manage their virtualized resources.

Once the resources are provisioned, the business can install their own operating systems, middleware, and applications on the virtual machines, and configure the storage and networking as needed. The resources are accessed over the internet, usually through a secure connection, and can be scaled up or down as needed.

The IaaS provider is responsible for maintaining and managing the underlying physical infrastructure, including the servers, storage, and networking equipment, as well as ensuring the availability, security, and performance of the virtualized resources.

One of the main benefits of using IaaS is that it allows businesses to reduce their capital expenditures, because they do not have to invest in and maintain their own physical infrastructure. Instead, they can pay for what they use on a pay-per-use or subscription basis. Additionally, IaaS also enables businesses to easily scale their IT infrastructure up or down as their computing needs change, which can help them to increase their agility and competitiveness.