What is the difference between relational databases, NoSQL databases, and NewSQL databases.


Relational databases, NoSQL databases, and NewSQL databases are all types of databases that are used for storing and managing data, but they have some key differences:

  1. Relational databases: Relational databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, are based on the relational model and use a structured query language (SQL) to store and retrieve data. They store data in tables with rows and columns, and use a schema to define the relationships between the tables. They are best suited for structured data and transactional workloads.
  2. NoSQL databases: NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Cassandra, and HBase, are designed to handle unstructured and semi-structured data. They do not use a fixed schema, and they often use a key-value, document, graph, or column-family data model. They are designed to scale horizontally and handle high write loads, which makes them ideal for big data and real-time analytics use cases.
  3. NewSQL databases: NewSQL databases, such as Google Spanner, CockroachDB, and TiDB, are a new generation of relational databases that combine the scalability and performance of NoSQL databases with the consistency and transactional support of relational databases. They use SQL and provide a relational data model, but unlike traditional relational databases, they can scale horizontally and handle high write.