Tag: Orchestration

  • Cloud Orchestration.  What is it? and what are the main solutions?

    Cloud Orchestration. What is it? and what are the main solutions?

    Cloud orchestration is the process of automating the deployment, management, and scaling of cloud infrastructure and applications. It involves using software tools and frameworks to coordinate and automate the provisioning and configuration of cloud resources, such as virtual machines, containers, storage, and networks. Cloud orchestration typically involves defining infrastructure and application templates, which describe the…

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  • What is the Cloud Native Landscape?

    What is the Cloud Native Landscape?

    The Cloud Native Landscape is a classification system for cloud-native technologies and platforms, created and maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It provides a comprehensive overview of the cloud-native ecosystem, including projects and tools for container orchestration, service discovery and load balancing, continuous integration and delivery, and more. The Cloud Native Landscape is…

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